Cutis Laxa update
During the World Congress in Paris in June 2024, an update of the knowledge on Cutis Laxa was presented.

Pathophysiology of CL is represented as a defect of the elastic fibers. In the inherited forms, it is a defect of synthesis/assembly of elastic fibers, due to genetic mutations. When looking at the acquired form of Cutis Laxa, the process is different as it is instead a destruction of elastic fibers that were , at first, normal.
As of today, 18 sub-types have been identified in the inherited forms, together with related disorders such as Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome or MACS Syndrome. These identifications allow a new classification.

The forms with prominent connective tissue features (Tortuosity, Skin, Bones, Emphysema) and those with main neurological features with or witout intra-uterin growth retardation are still there. The validation of this new classification is still ongoing. It will be a better tool for diagnosis, integrating clinical data, ultrastructural findings and pathophysiology. It will be the basis for novel guidelines..