Rare Disease International (RDI) Activities

Rare Disease International (RDI) organised several events in the first half of 2021:

On 14th January , Webinar : Key Issues for a UN Resolution for Rare Diseases :

Inclusion and Human Rights, Appropriate Care, National Stategies, Rare Diseases in the UN System, Monitor Progress and Implementation.



On 4th February, Webinar : « World Health Organisation Collaborative Global Network for Rare Diseases » (WHO CGN4RD) :

Implementation of  Universal Health Coverage from care to treatments; Expertise; Structured Activities under thematic « Programmes of care »; Exploit advancement in technology and innovation; Collaboration Plateforms ; Sharing networking expertise and global knowledge ; Research, clinical trials and registries.



On 25th and 26th May : RDI members meeting and Annual Report :

In 2020 RDI’s activities were equally internal, with webinars for its members and external with outreach to Permanent Missions to the UN in New York.


The aim is to promote Rare Diseases as a priority in International Policy and work towards a UN General Assembly Resolution for Rare Diseases with sustainable development goals.