The French Federation for SKIN (FFP) is working hard

Since the beginning of the year, Georges Martinho, FFP General Delegate, led several projects at the double all showing positive and very promissing results :

  • The FFP plea was published in March. It gathers together the difficulties, needs and proposals of thousands of persons suffering from skin diseases in France, wether these diseases are rare or not. Delivered to all Health Authorities and elected Representatives acrossthe country, its aims are : long-term improvment of quality of life for skin patients ; advocacy against social and local inequalities ; improved support of care journeys ; getting patients’ expertise recognised. The first reactions are very positive.


  • National Office of Solidarity for Autonomy (CNSA) and Local Houses for Disabled People (MDPH) working towards the recognition of a « Skin Disability » and adapting the administrative steps to the reality and specificities of dermatologic diseases.
  • Rallying Members of Parliament : After sending the petition, several meetings have taken place with Members of Parliament and Senators. The working areas fo the Members of Parliament and the FFP include meeting patients to increas knowledge of their needs, bringing the issues to the parliamentary debate and proposing amendments to legislation.
  • Taking par in the inter-associative task-force of pharmaceutical industries : Following the recommendations published by the European Commission on how to improve the information on health products, a survey and a meeting allowed members of the FFP to share their point of view and take part in this work.
  • Educational aids for children and teenagers : These aids have an informative and educational aim illustrated by concrete situations. We will soon start working with illustrators, various tools have been mentioned (books, videos,etc). The first two aids, for 6-11 year olds and 12-18 year olds, are taking shape and should be edited by the end of this year.


The FFP is doing great and has real concrete results.