4th Conference of the French Federation for Skin (Report)

29th November 2022 :

4th Conference of the FFP on the theme « Health Journey in Dermatology »

Pr Dupin, Chair of the French Society of Dermatology (SFD) and Pr Beylot-Barry, presented the challenges and prospects, further developped by Dr Sulimovic, Chair of the National Union of Dermatologists-Venereologists (SNDV), specifically regarding access to dermatologists in town (rather than in hospital). For this part, Pr Bodemer focused on issues regarding Paediatric Dermatology.


We ended the morning with a roundtable dedicated to “Holistic care of the Patient”.

We spent the afternoon in workshops to reflect on the synthesis of local meetings organised around the review of the Local Projects for Health.  A great, rich, participative and interesting day, as speakers and attendees said in their comments.

And the next day we opened the FFP Stall for the Paris Dermatology Days