Cécile was diagnosed in 1992.
8 years later, she appeared for the first time on TV screens.
On 11th November 2001 we set up Cutis Laxa Internationale. But there was no research programm. We knew of 9 patients.
One month later, we appealled on TV screens during the Telethon (Fudraising event). We needed a 10th patient for a research programm to be launched.
Annie Moissin, who was responsible for relationship with patients for orphan disorders at that time, heard our call. She tells here (in French) what happened next.
Thanks to you Annie,
Thanks to Solhand of which you are now the Chair.,
One can do nothing alone, Together we are stronger, we go further.
Marie-Claude Boiteux
Chair of Cutis Laxa Internationale, Cécile’s mother